Hsm v-press 860 manual
HSM V-Press 60. The manual baling press. The HSM V-Press 840 and HSM V-Press 860 provide rst-class results and delivers highly compressed bales, even with hea-VILYaEXPANSIVEaMATERIALSaANDaAREaTHOUGHathe most economic-al and ecological solution HSM V-Press 60. The manual baling press. The bale size. UBC bottles. The model HSM V-Press 860 S is the perfect machine for the volume reduction of stiff plastics (e.g. monitor and TV set housings) and expanding plastic film (other materials upon request). Vertical baler HSM V-Press 860 L - easy bale transport without pallets. Vertikale Ballenpresse HSM V-Press 860 L - einfacher Ballentransport ohne Palette. v- press 860 p hsm waste presses spare parts. • the guide rollers of the press plate may require lubrication. bales are automatically ejected onto pallets hsm v press 1160 manual for transport. • high capacity press chamber means optimum filling efficiency. the manual baling press hsm v- press 60
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